Somebody said that;
The doors of opportunity are marked
“Push” and “Pull”
Walter drove his friend Arthur on a ride out into
the country one day.
After awhile, they pulled off the main road and
through an orange grove.
There was really nothing out in the large field except
some horses grazing and a couple of old shacks.
Arthur soon learned why Walter had taken him
on this ride to the middle of nowhere.
Walter described in detail his hopes and dreams
for use of the land trying to convince his friend to buy
some of the surrounding land saying to his friend;
“I can handle the main project myself.
It will take all of my money,
but… I want you to have the first chance at this
surrounding acreage, because in the next five years it
will increase in value several hundred times.”
His friend Arthur thought to himself,
“Who in the world is going to travel twenty five miles
to the middle of nowhere for his friend’s crazy project.
He made up and excuse about money being tight
but maybe later.”
Walter told him that “later” would be “too late”.
And in fact it was true, “later” was “too late”.
And so it was that Art Linkletter turned down and
missed the opportunity the land that surrounded
what his friend Walter named
Most opportunities take a “step of faith”
of one kind or another.
“A sluggard’s [A person too lazy or too slow]
appetite is never filled,
but the desires of the diligent
[A person who evaluates, prays for God’s will,
and then acts on the opportunity]
are fully satisfied.”
-Proverbs 13:4
This verse means that many blessings are missed
because of the fact that when certain opportunities
came our way, we were too slow, or too lazy or
too afraid to act on them.
The doors of opportunity are marked
“Push” and “Pull”
Lord, thank you for opportunities.
Help me to be diligent in evaluating whether you
want me to push, pull, or do neither,
while properly evaluating,
and seeking your will.
If I am to take an opportunity,
help me to act on that opportunity
with faith and not fear
in order to “be fully satisfied.”
In Jesus’ name.
I’ll talk a little more about Opportunities this Sunday’s message because many
“Opportunities” disguise themselves as “Difficulties”.
God bless you… Pastor Dave
PS. As a reminder, we will contact you by email
and/or phone when we will resume worship on campus.
Word of Life Church
17525 W. Bell Rd.
Surprise, AZ 85374