Worship & Sunday School RESUMES
August 30th
8:00am Traditional
9:45am Contemporary
9:45am Sunday School
9:45am Nursery Available
“Praise the Lord.
Praise God in his sanctuary;
praise him in his mighty heavens…
Praise him for his surpassing greatness…
praise him with the strings…
with resounding cymbals.
Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.
-Psalm 150:1-6
You are hearing through this Email.
For those with no email, they will be called or texted.
Our outgoing phone message in the office.
Website/Social Media will list the resume date.
Word of mouth between you and others.
Please think about telling friends about our starting back up. This is a painless way of inviting them to come if ever they would want to.
Forward this Email to others if you choose.
From the time that you get out of your car to come into worship, until the time that you get back into your car to go home, you can worship not having to touch anything if you chose not to.
Greeters (Practicing safe distancing), will make sure that all outside doors will be open for entering and exiting the building before and after worship.
Offering Plates will be stationary and placed down the center aisle for you to put your donations in at any time. They will not be passed from hand to hand
Shaking Hands (We will not be shaking hands or hugs, etc.
There will be no hospitality food or drinks provided at this time.
Each door will have Hand Sanitizer available for application upon entering and/or existing.
Chairs will be wiped as appropriate before late worship.
Use one of four locations.
Main double doors (Facing east).
Single door located at the front-right side of the building by the drums (Facing North).
Two sets of double doors on the piano side (Facing South).
In order to create a comfortable environment and provide a safe place for our most vulnerable, we are asking that you come to church wearing your own personal mask.
If you happen to forget your mask one Sunday, a disposable mask will be available for you at church.
We also have 150-200 home-made cloth masks available for you to use, take home and keep for any future use anywhere. Thank you to those in our Quilter’s Ministry here at Word of Life for all of the home-made masks.
As always, you can make your own choice as to where you feel most comfortable sitting.
Please choose a seat that makes you personally feel the most comfortable and safe.
We have made an adjustment to seating to reduce the need to pass by people in the rows.
We have taken out every-other row on the left side of the church and have arranged the right side of the church in “Clusters” adding additional aisles for easy access to your desired seating area.
Based on the size of your family and which seating feels most comfortable to you, you can seat yourself.
Please always use common-sense distancing.
As always, if you are feeling sick, running a fever, or showing any signs of possible symptoms, please remain at home.
time if you want to maintain a large distance
away from others.
8am worship has more physical space available for seating further apart.
Something to consider for those who prefer more distancing.
Safety and Health:
ALL Teachers and Students will be masking up per city guidelines concerning school mask wearing.
“Signing In” and “Signing Out” children:
Drop off: Parents and children will be met at the door to be greeted and have children led to their correct classroom in order to limit the amount of people in the hallway.
Late Arrivals: If you arrive past our start time, please ring the bell and wait for someone to answer the door, as it will be locked at all times.
Pick up: When it is time to pick your child up, we will bring your child to you at the door.
“Prefilled Communion cups with wafers” will be used during this time.
Please pick up your “Prefilled Communion cups” on the way into worship.
They will be on tables outside main doors.
When it is time to take Communion during worship, you will open your individual container and eat and drink at your seat.
You will not walk up front.
We will all eat and drink at the same time when instructed by Pastor Dave.
On your way out after worship, you can dispose of the empty cup in the outdoor trash cans.
If for your own sanitary reasons, you feel more comfortable taking your “Prefilled Communion cups with wafers” home, feel free to take Communion later in your home.
We will use this form of receiving Communion for a period of time until safety allows us to go back to our previous routine for Communion.
Welcome Back
“Praise God in his sanctuary…”
-Psalm 150:1
As we praise God “in his sanctuary”, I welcome you all back. For those of you coming back immediately on August 30th, “I’ll see you soon”. For those of you needing to remain home for safety, continue to let me know how I can minister to you beyond my Email and online weekly messages.
God’s continued blessings to all of us… Pastor Dave